FSAFeds Quick Guide: Submitting HSA/FSA Claims through FSAFeds


This guide outlines the steps to submit your HSA/FSA reimbursement claim via FSAfeds. For additional details or to start the process, visit the FSAfeds website.

Step 1: Access the FSAfeds Website

Step 2: Initiate Your Claim Submission

  • Login:
    Sign in with your FSAfeds credentials.

  • File Claim:
    Locate and click the option to file a new reimbursement claim. Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed.

Step 3: Prepare Your Reimbursement Claim

When submitting your reimbursement, ensure you include the following essential documents:

  • Receipt:
    Provide a copy of the receipt for the purchase or service.

  • Truemed Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN):
    Include your LMN to substantiate your claim.

Step 4: Submit and Confirm Your Claim

  • Review:
    Double-check that all required information and documents are attached.

  • Submit:
    Complete the claim submission process by following the remaining on-screen prompts.

This quick guide is designed to streamline your reimbursement process with FSAfeds. If you need further assistance, please consult the FSAfeds website or reach out to support@truemed.com