Phase 2: A Successful Launch


Best practices for spreading the word about your partnership with Truemed.


Unlock the full potential of offering HSA/FSA payment options by using email to drive awareness and engagement throughout the buyer's journey.

In this guide, you'll find best practices for strategically leveraging email to boost HSA/FSA spending by your customers.

Promotional Principles

  1. Be direct: Assume this is a new concept to your consumers. Emphasize:

    1. What this is (30% savings)

    2. How to do it

    3. Who is eligible

  2. Be repetitive: Deliver the message multiple times, across multiple channels, throughout the buying journey.

  3. Get creative: Try different channels. Target different cohorts with different messages. Integrate the HSA/FSA message into the other campaigns. See what works for your audience.

Check out our full Email Marketing Playbook.


Launch Email

How long should this take?

30 minutes

What you’re doing and why:

  • Inform your current customers  that they may now qualify to use their HSA/FSA funds for purchases. 

  • Convert leads who've been on the fence due to price sensitivity

Case studies have shown that open rates and CTRs for this promotional email are typically an order of magnitude higher than standard marketing material.

Sample Subject Lines

  1. Unlock 30% Savings on Average with HSA/FSA if Eligible: Here's How!

  2. Introducing: Use Your HSA/FSA To Save Big On [Product] if Eligible

  3. Ready to Save 30%? [Company] Launches HSA/FSA Payment Option!


  • Make sure to include how a customer can use their HSA/FSA, ideally linking to your HSA/FSA landing page with further instructions.

  • Be explicit about the potential savings -- 30% on average

Sample Launch Email

Check out our full Email Marketing Playbook.

Email Footer

How long should this take?

20 minutes

What you’re doing and why:

Add a Truemed CTA to the footer of all emails to consistently remind customers of the savings they can enjoy when spending HSA/FSA dollars with you. 

How to do it:

Copy and paste the below text into the footer of existing marketing emails.

Save an average of 30% on [Company name] using your HSA/FSA if Eligible. Learn More [CTA Linking Landing Page]

Check out our full Email Marketing Playbook.

Abandoned Cart Email

How long should this take?

20 minutes

What you’re doing and why:

Abandoned cart emails are great tools to encourage interested customers to complete their purchase.. Framing the pay with HSA/FSA payment option as a 30% savings can increase engagement and ultimately conversion.

Sample Subject Lines

  1. Finish Your Purchase and Save 30% With Your HSA/FSA

  2. Don't Leave Yet - We Have HSA/FSA Savings To Offer

  3. Don't Miss Out: Save 30% On Your Cart With HSA/FSA


Include this email in your abandoned cart drip campaign, positioned before you offer a coupon code. It will make customers feel like they're receiving a discount through their HSA/FSA savings, enhancing the perceived value without directly offering a discount.

Sample Abandoned Cart Email

Check out our full Email Marketing Playbook.

Combo Promotion Email

How long should this take?

20 minutes

What you’re doing and why:

Use HSA/FSA as an additional conversion lever for promo emails.

Sample Subject Lines

  1. Bonus Discount! 20% off + HSA/FSA Savings

  2. Double Your Savings This Black Friday With HSA/FSA!


Combining other discounts with HSA/FSA messaging will make customers feel like they are getting an extra great deal.

Sample Combo Promotion Email

Check out our full Email Marketing Playbook.

Reactivation Email

How long should this take?

20 minutes

What you’re doing and why:

Use HSA/FSA savings messaging to re-engage churned subscribers and one-time buyers

Sample Subject Lines

  1. Rejoin and Save 30%: Exclusive HSA/FSA Benefits Await You

  2. Your HSA/FSA Can Help You Save Big - Reactivate Now!

  3. Unlock 30% Savings: Use HSA/FSA and Upgrade to a Subscription!


Since price often drives subscription cancellations and/or choosing one-time purchases, highlighting HSA/FSA savings can help re-engage churned subscribers and one-time buyers.

Sample Reactivation Email

Check out our full Email Marketing Playbook.

Steady State Email

How long should this take?

20 minutes

What you’re doing and why:

Continuously educate customers and prospects that HSA/FSA is a payment option(and that it means 30% savings!)

Sample Subject Lines

  1. Important Reminder: [Product] is Eligible for ~30% Savings with HSA/FSA

  2. Savings Alert: Use HSA/FSA for ~30% Off [Product]

  3. Paying with HSA/FSA = ~30% Savings on [Product]! Act Now!


  • Timing is key—if a customer gains access to an HSA through a new job, new pre-tax funds could drive their purchase decision.

  • Regularly reminding consumers of your products' HSA/FSA eligibility encourages them to open and max out these accounts, expanding your base of HSA/FSA-funded customers and setting the stage for future success.

Sample Steady State Email

Check out our full Email Marketing Playbook.


Homepage Feature

How long should this take?

30 minutes

What you’re doing and why:

Stand out as a leader in the health and wellness space all while helping your customers save on their purchases. Featuring your partnership with a homepage block ensures that customers are aware of this payment option, and can quickly navigate them to shop for  HSA/FSA eligible products.

How to do it:

Add the following copy to a content block on your website’s homepage. 


Save an average of 30% on [Merchant Name] with HSA/FSA


Thanks to our new partnership with Truemed, you may be eligible to use your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to buy [Merchant products].


Learn More [link to landing page]

Launch Social Post & Story

How long should this take?

30 minutes

What you’re doing and why:

Leverage promotion on social media to inform, educate, and convert your audience with the new HSA/FSA payment option. 

How to do it:

Copy & paste this caption into your post on social media. Tag us (@truemedpayments) in your post and we will do our best to re-share. With Truemed co-marketing alongside your brand, you can reach a broader health-focused audience.

Exciting news! We’ve partnered with @truemedpayments to allow you to use your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Savings Account (FSA) to reimburse your purchase for [Merchant Name] products, if eligible!

That means shopping with pre-tax dollars, resulting in a net savings of 30% on average for you.

The process is simple.

  1. Make your purchase: Browse our selection and add your go-to products or new finds to your cart. When checking out, pay with your credit card.

  2. Complete health assessment: Take a quick, private health survey that you can find in your order confirmation. A licensed provider will review your answers to determine eligibility. If eligible, you’ll receive a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) within 1-2 days.

  3. Submit for HSA/FSA Reimbursement: Follow the instructions that are emailed to you with your LMN to submit your purchase to your HSA/FSA administrator for reimbursement. Claims are typically paid out in 1-2 weeks.

Go to [insert FAQ or Landing Page Link] for more information!


Announcement or Press Release

How long should this take?

30 minutes

What you’re doing and why:

By announcing the Truemed partnership through various channels, whether that is an official press release or on a blog post, you can drive awareness of this new payment option to current and potential customers. 

How to do it:

Draft a brief, punchy article that highlights the benefits of the partnership to your customers and outline where they can go to learn more.


Announcement Best Practices